"An inspiration to all
You can achieve you aspirations...
Believe in yourself...
The rest will follow....
As did her trusted Steed
"Amazing public speaker and a real inspiration on how to keep pushing boundaries and not
letting people tell us no, Thank you"

"No buzz words, just pure honesty.
Faye was absolutley incredible"

Jo Smith, Key Stage 3 class teacher and English Lead.
"Faye has a brilliant way of engaging the young people and kept their attention throughout. Her honest and friendly manner meant the pupils felt safe to ask questions. I would highly recommend Faye to any group that would benefit from her story!"
Beki Vargassoff, Assistant Head Teacher - Pastoral
"Wow! What an amazing young women! Faye's visit is a must for any teenager of today. She has a tragic but heart warming story, which is honest, thought provoking and inspiring for young people. The pupils were gripped and asked thoughtful questions, and it promoted several discussions afterwards. We have already booked again for next year!"
Richard Bull, Key Stage 3 Leader
I think it was Really refreshing experience to receive such an honest and personal insight into someone traumatic-life events. It definitely provoked some interesting discussion amongst the children!
PC Louise Whiteley-Guest, Safer Schools Officer
As a keen horseperson myself, I was thoroughly impressed with Faye and the way she told her story. Her motivation to a career in the field she loves alongside the challenges she faced along the way was inspiring. It also highlighted the dangers potentially faced by young people, and the life changing consequences of these.
Dawn L Stott, Associates Consultant, Speaker and Author (kindness Counts) www.breezy-publications.com (Former CEO of the association for perioperative Practice)
I had the pleasure of meeting Faye through my daughter and granddaughter. She owns the yard where they stable their horse. I was blown away by Fayes determination on my first interaction with her and when i saw her driving her carriage at a local show, I knew there was more to her than just a love of horses. There were grit, determination, Stubbornness and humor. I truly believe that it is her humor that has got her through her darkest times. In my previous role as CEO of association for perioperative Practice I had the privilege of being able to invite her to speak at our annual conference in August (2023) she took up the gauntlet and did not fail to fulfil her brief. 'her story' brought the 300 delegate audience to their feet in an ovation of respect for her amazing journey - and there were tears aplenty. She delivered her Story from being involved in a car accident that left her paralysed with one arm to present day where she trains horses and enters many carriage driving competitions against able bodied competitors. Her lust for life is palpable and her willpower to succeed and take others on her journey is commendable. I am truly grateful for being given the opportunity to meet Faye and also provide a platform for her to tell her story to encourage others to see passed their difficulties and provide proof that a mindset does make a massive difference.
Michael Roberts - BBC 5 Live Listener.
I heard Faye being interviewed on BBC 5 live Radio last night and was immediately taken by her story. Being at a particular low point in my life and not having much direction I listened intently to Faye describing how she turned her life around following such adversity. I found her attitude to life both heartwarming and inspiring, my own troubles suddenly seemed rather trivial by comparison and her interview helped me to turn a corner. I did contact Faye to let her know the impact she had on me and her response gave even more resolve to get my life back on track, thank you Faye and good luck in all you do.